My Favorite Tools For Unplugged Writing Sessions

A day spent with technology is inevitably a day filled with distractions. Text messages, emails, alarms, background music, phone calls, app notifications, and the like are all ingrained into our routines and force us to pause. Those pauses are brief but they add up to minutes, to hours. They eat away at your day and…

30 Years of Loving Horror: A Retrospective

I’ll be the first to admit that 1993 was not a good year for horror. The most commercially successful horror film to arise was Leprechaun and it didn’t even open in March. Where 1993 really shined was in its influx of Halloween films. The animated Halloween Tree adaptation won an Emmy for its screenplay. Double,…

Take Another Stab At The Lost Boys (1988)

This post is a part of the Take Another Stab series, where the horror films I hate get a chance at redemption through an open-minded revisit. There will be blood. There will be spoilers. What kind of fucking song is ‘Cry, Little Sister?’ Why is it the theme song of a vampire movie? Why does this movie…


Haunted by Deadlines is a genre blog run by Ahlissa Eichhorn. She’s a media and creative writer specializing in horror, dark fiction, and poetry. She’s the Nightmare Librarian columnist for FANGORIA magazine and a judge for Nightmares Film Festival. You can find her recent work and posts by navigating the pages above.

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