Clearing Out the Cobwebs

It hasn’t been quite 12 months since my last post but it’s shamefully close! Life DOES find a way to derail healthy writing habits and personal goals, doesn’t it?

For most of 2024, my mind has been in the gutter. Seriously, my mental health has never been worse. It’s been a fulltime job in itself grappling with catastrophic thinking and depression. I’m finding ways to deal, including journaling, and the warm weather doesn’t hurt, either. How about some updates?

If you follow me on Instagram, you might have seen that I had another article featured in the wonderful Feminine Macabre (VI) journal! This was back in April but you can learn more about that on my ‘Find My Work’ page. I wrote about a fun, bookish topic that library lovers are sure to find intriguing.

I’m staying true to my moniker and riding dangerously close to two deadlines. I wish I could change this about myself but HERE WE ARE. I’ll get it done.

Now that I’ve shaken off some dust here, I’d like to keep it that way. I’d like to write about and share things that I’ve always had interests in, but never felt like I could incorporate into this space. Those closest to me know that I’m big on traveling. Whether it’s a 14 hour drive or a 2 hour flight, I like to check things out while I still can (especially on a budget). I’m not looking to visit normie stuff. Alternative travel is the term nowadays: cemeteries, haunted places, oddity stores, quirky museums, famous crime scenes, cryptid towns, and such are all my speed. I’d like to write about the places I go and share helpful information with fellow travelers and planners. Sound cool?

I’d just like to get back to writing on a regular basis. Whatever the topic, you can bet it’ll be something relating to horror, books, writing, film, travel, fashion (what?), and whatever else I think of that’s remotely interesting. Looking through my files, I see a few unfinished poems also collecting dust. I’d love to complete those and send them off for fresh eyes to see.

That was me putting it out into the universe and onto the internet. It must be true, now.

Thanks for being here x

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